Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Many Waters

Stories of a great deluge occur across many cultures. The return of the primeval waters drowns wickedness and leads to a regenesis of life.

Speculations on the historical source of these stories include a meteor, a tsumani caused by the eruption of Thera and changing water levels after the last ice age. There is no geological evidence in Mesopotamia or Israel of a universal, catastrophic flood.

The flood story word-clouds below (created using Wordle), are Mesopotamian, Greek and biblical. Identify which is which in the comments to win a $5 Amazon gift card.

Extra credit for explaining your reasoning, making a good pun or identifying a common ark-etype.




Good luck!

Update 1/9: won via Facebook!  More coming soon..boatcha coulda got it if you trid-ent!